Landscape Degradation in the Himalaya
Christine Rahtz
UC Geology 2011-New Delhi to Leh
Table of Contents
Introduction………………………………p. 2
Anthropogenic Influence…………………..p. 3
Precipitation and Erosion………………….p. 5
Mass Movement………………………….p. 8
Future Research…………………………..p. 10
There is no doubt that erosion processes of the Himalaya are quite complex, and affected by several components, including tectonics, anthropogenic land use and vegetation, and glacial and fluvial processes. The relationship between climate, tectonics and rates of erosion in the Himalaya is one of extensive scientific exploration. The connection between erosion rates and precipitation in a region of tectonic uplift is widely debated and not well known. Some hypothesize that the linkage is characterized by a cycle of uplift, followed by increased orographic precipitation, higher rates of erosion, unloading of the crust, and further uplift. There are many causes, natural and unnatural, of landscape degradation and soil erosion in this environment. This webpage explores and explains the complexities of the erosional landscape of the Himalayas.
Anthropogenic Influence
“The construction of highways may actually accelerate some of the geomorphological processes in the region,” writes Lewis Owen, a geomorphologist at University of Cincinnati (1996). Road construction in the Himalaya can create many problems, including increased erosion and landslides. Road construction is important for local people, it allows them mobility and access to resources. It is however, extremely dangerous, and thousands die in the building of roads through these mountains (Owen 1996). These roads do not last very long either. In my travels through India, I learned that patience is an absolute must. There were several times during our two week trip that we had to sit and wait for a slope failure to be cleared from the road.
Precipitation and Erosion
Climate is a major factor in erosion in the Himalaya. The range has a distinctive precipitation pattern called the monsoon. In the summer, the foothills are subjected to extremely heavy rainfall. This causes intense flooding and landslides. In the spring, glacial meltwater causes further erosion on the unstable slope, and avalanches are also common (Owen 1996).
It is hard to measure overall rates of erosion, because a mountain range has so many variable parts. However, using biotite dating in gneisses, UC students and faculty dated strath terraces and concluded that on range margins, erosion could be up to 15-20 mm/year. That is incredibly powerful erosion.
Mass Movement
It is hard to tease out one causal force for a landslide event. Movement along a fault can set into action large scale landslides. A landslide is affected by tectonics, but also by precipitation. This may have been climate driven; the precipitation gradient was high around the time these landslides occurred. A study from 2004 used sediment influx measurements to make inferences about the role of precipitation in large mass movement events. They found that rainfall increases pore water pressure, “priming the
landscape for larger and more frequent slope failures,” and that these failures often occur late in the monsoon season (Gabet et al., 2004a).
landscape for larger and more frequent slope failures,” and that these failures often occur late in the monsoon season (Gabet et al., 2004a).
Even though the slope failures pictured seem so big, they are actually not as erosionally “effective” as fluvial sediment transport. This is because, although a huge mass of material was moved, it was not moved far. After the fall (both were dated to about 8,000 years ago), this mass has remained in the exact same place.
Slope instability is the result of many factors, including bedrock and soil type, angle of slope, vegetation cover, and influence of climate. In the talus cones pictured above, all of these variables come into play. Above the cones one sees a pro-talus rock glacier. During the winter this entire slope is covered in snow, and interstitial ice forms. The melt from this ice leads to even more slope instability.
Future Research
There is so much more to be explored in understanding the relationship between precipitation, tectonics, climate, anthropogenic influence and erosion in the Himalaya. This research is becoming especially important because of global climate change and all of its implications. Understanding the present is the key to the past: If scientists can piece together an erosional history of the mountain range, then we can better recognize erosional patterns of the present, and better predict erosional patterns of the future. What is the effect of climate change on Himalayan landscape degradation, and what does that mean for the people of this range? What predictions can we make about future regional geomorphology? It is an immense mountain range, with immense possible resources and research opportunities.